Math Chapter 1 killing me,
Physics Chapter 1 also killing me.
no wonder they say Sec 5 is very tough.
indeed,is really very tough.
but i wont give up instead i will work harded and know them well.
Phyiscs we need to answer the question by drawing a graph,
where they only give us a question with 5 words and a simple diagram.
today,im trying to do a simple question where i took 15mins,
but my other friend took 5mins to complete it.
this can see how stupud i am,
But again i work keep do do do do do do do till i know how to do it.
Physics Physics Phyiscs,how i wish i could Master you in just 1 day.
Last week,my teeth started to pain.
i thought was normal,because normally i drink cold water my teeth will pain.
but this time only when im sleeping the pain start.
im so freak out because i am super tired and yet i cant sleep,
because my teeth is fking pain that i can fall asleep.
imagine when you finally fall sleep,your teeth start to pain.
i woke up every 15mins and go to the toilet to rinse my mouth.
so i decided to go see a dental where usually i wont think of going there.
Wednesday i went and the dentist said nothing wrong about my teeth,
she just helped me clean my teeth and see whether after cleaning its still pain.
if does not pain then maybe is the dirt cause the pain,
if still pain come back for a x-rays.
After the cleaning,my teeth gets more pain then last time.
so Today i went to see the dentist again,
and i do a x-rays......
and guess what,my wisdom tooth is growing.
not 1,not 2,not 3
But 4.
the dentist also said very weird,
because normally people grow wisdom tooth around 18-23 year old,
im 16 year old and growing
4 at one shot.
told me the teeth is growing and teach me
how to brush properly so the gums will "open" and let them push the teeth out.
but the cause of my pain is my bottom 5th tooth,
just a tiny small teeth can makes me mad at night.
the dentist say if i wanna remove the pain,i must do a root cannal.
where they drill a hole on my 5th teeth,
and cut my root(nerve).
so after cutting i wont feel the pain anymore
because the teeth is useless already.
if really cannot tolerate the pain then maybe i consider doing that,
although is sound super scary...and this stupid root cannal cost $250 per tooth.
expensive hor,but if really can cure my pain i think is worth.
hope the pain will go away so i need not to spent the $250.....
May my teeth get better.....